Friday, December 21, 2007

Two years blogging... and counting...

When I am happy, you smile…
And say, be happy, always

When I am frustrated, you smile…
And say, don’t worry, be happy, always

When I am angry with someone, and wish he is struck by lightening, you smile…
And say, calm down, and, be happy, always

When I feel so hopeless, and think that I am the most miserable person on earth, you smile…
And say, look around and see, be happy, always

When I am falling in love, you smile…
And say, Love is great, be happy, always

When I am busy like hell, you smile…
And say, you are great, but try to, be happy, always

When I feel bored, you smile…
And say, enjoy your quiet time, and, be happy, always

My blog has done wonderful job for me. She never complains, she just listens, and she is always supportive. If my blog is a girl, I will marry her :D

Warmest hug, deepest smile, hottest kiss

Two years blogging… and counting

1 comment:

blocko said...

wow 2 whole years of blogging brah, just think about all the cats you could of ate during that time