Saturday, April 12, 2008

Seven Deadly Sins in Writing a Resume!

1. Using too much secretive language

I was elected as one of the most important people in one of, if I am not wrong, the biggest organizations in my school, which is one of the best schools in this country.

(What's so difficult with mentioning the name of your title, organization and school?)

2. Writing a lot of competencies which are not important

I can dance salsa, cook nasi lemak, spell the alphabets backward, brush my teeth with either hand, and play badminton with one eye closed.

(SO WHAT????)

3. Using informal language

I raised $29,999.99 (minus tax lah of coz...) for my school (pretty impressive huh?)

4. Too dramatic

And you know what! At the end of my speech, everybody was bursting in tears and told me "You save my life!" I was SOOOOOOOOO touched! MY GOSHH!!

5. Think too highly of ourselves

I believe you don't want to make a mistake by not hiring the best employee you will EVER get. I repeat, the BEST employee you will EVER get.

6. Too many words

In this fast-changing, highly globalized, and revolutionary world, you will definitely need somebody who is able to stand up fast and straight with courage and determination, and I, hereby, with proud and dignity, admit, I am that person.

(I don't know what I am talking about)

and the best of all....

7. Inappropriate Photo

NO, don't put a photo like this

even if you are as handsome as David Beckham

or even if you are more handsome than David Beckham

The last one is not bad! :)

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