Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Lord, Give Me COURAGE

Today as part of my daily bible reading, I encountered a very beautiful bible saying:

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a
sound mind." (2 Timothy 1 : 7)

Beautiful isn't it?

All of us face uncertainties in life. Students face uncertain future, can I get my dream job? Working professionals face uncertain future, can I get promoted? Or worse, can I keep my bread-and-butter until next year? Every parents worry.. can my children live a good life? Without smoking, without taking drugs, without pre-marital sex? without doing criminal actions?

I don't believe if someone says "I am not afraid of anything."... Research shows, 95% of people have thought of doing suicide at least once in their life. I am in that 95%.

What is courage? Let linguists define that. For me, courageous person is someone who:

- sees unethical way to do something, but says "No, it's not the way."

- is very tired, but still goes to work, still goes to evening class, and still does exercise.

- is presented with cake, but chooses salad instead bcoz it's healthier.

- has access to porn but chooses not to watch it.

- has all the opportunities to do revenge, but says "let's forget it."

and the list goes on.

It is not easy, but as the mighty JFK said "We do it not because it's easy, but because it is HAAARRRDDD."

God, I pray that everyday I do the things that I SHOULD do, not the things I prefer to do.

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