Tuesday, March 11, 2008

This is MY blog, this is MY LEGACY.

As some of you might have noticed, I have quited from one of the leading Singapore bloggers' forums, and I don't visit that website anymore.

Looking back, the reason why I joined that website is bcoz I wanted to share my thoughts, my little knowledge (if you want to call it knowledge), or whatever inside my brain to people outside.

HOWEVER, as soon as I joined that website, I changed my style of writing a lot. In the past, I used to write just-about-everything in my mind, without the need to ask "will anyone be interested to read this??". BUT, after joined that website, I become like a professional writer, in the sense, I must keep asking myself about that question... which I must say, very sad.

Now, I can write freely, and I don't care whether people will read or not (But I believe, some of you will still read it even though it's getting boring.)

This is MY blog, this is MY LEGACY.

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