As I was grilled by my friends what type of girl I like, I couldn't give a satisfactory answer on the spot, but I did think about that question and here is my answer.
I like a girl who has confidence. If she has the body of Britney Spears, that's great. However if what she has is the body of a pregnant Britney Spears, so what? Be confident. Please don't continuously tell us how fat you are.
1st case: If you are not fat at all. There is nothing more annoying in this world than a perfectionist.
2nd case: If you are indeed fat like an obese pig. We know that like, very well. Hence repeating so many times that you are fat won't help.
I love smart and knowledgeable girls. It's indeed frustrating to chat with someone with very little knowledge to begin with. Well, I don't expect someone to have the brain of Einstein, but please don't tell us:
1. That Tiger Woods is an animal.
2. That Barack Obama has some blood relation with Osama Bin Laden.
3. That Manchester United is the best soccer club in the world. No, it isn't! Juventus is. Haha I am being subjective =P
or such stupid statement like those. I know not everyone is blessed with smart brain, but some people really give up trying to upgrade themselves.
I love a girl with some ambitions. People without ambition bore me to death.
And lastly, funny girls definitely get my admiration. Someone who can crack up some smart jokes or laugh at themselves sometimes (Come on, noone is perfect, so why must we be so tensed-up with our imperfection?). I think being around someone with good sense of humour is indeed a blessing.
I want to end this post by quoting a very beautiful prayer:
"God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference."
Skin colour, bone structure, family background, place of birth - those things we can't change. I myself have a fair skin no matter how hard I try (I did kayaking for 9 straight hours under hot sun, and my skin didn't get any tanner), and as a matter of fact, I had accepted that reality long time ago.
Some things in life we can change - our future, our potential life partner, etc. Why not we focus on those things instead?
Indeed, someone who can love herself unconditionally is stunningly very attractive. I spent 3 full years waiting for this type of girl after finally gave up. Even until now, I still insist that the 3-year is "the time worth spent."