Monday, June 09, 2008

4 Small Things We Can Do to Save this Planet

1. Use less plastic bags

If we ask ourselves honestly, Do We REALLY Need those plastic bags? For me, the answer is usually NO. I can just squeeze the things I buy into my bag, and that does the job perfectly.
Of course you don’t need to go to the extreme buy putting onions inside your $1000-designer bag.

BONUS: A smile from the cashier auntie :)

2. Turn on the aircon only when needed

I know it’s getting hotter and hotter everyday. But we don’t have to turn the aircon all the time right? Set the aircon-timer before you sleep, and you are on the way to be crowned Mr Environmentally-friendly :)
Instead of turning your room’s air-con when you want to read, why not going to public library instead? The aircon is FREE there, and you can make full use of your library membership.

BONUS: A smile and a good day ahead after reading the electricity bill.

3. Be a vegetarian

Why?? Because meat is BAD for your health, for your pocket, and for our beloved planet. Producing meat is a waste of resources, and it generates much more heat to the environment (see here)

If you think vegetarian people are stupid, I must tell ya: The guy above IS a vegetarian.


- A healthier and more energetic you.
I am not endorsing any vegetarian society nor am I a Buddhist. However, I can easily tell that the most energetic days in my life are when I consume a lot of veggies and fruit (and by the way, what I mean by “a lot” is not that pickle inside your McBurger)

- Your parents get the respect they deserve
I don’t have super memory to remember all the advices given by my parents, but at least I remember 3 of them: “Study hard”, “Respect your friends”, and “Eat more fruit and veggies”… Oh, and 1 more thing “Get enough sleep”… I almost forget that because I don’t think people need to remind me to get enough sleep, that’s like a second nature for me =P

4. Read your documents on the screen

Need I say more? Most of our documents we print end up in the dustbin or as a substitute for toilet paper. Use soft copy instead, and read as many documents as possible on screen.

BONUS: Your boss will thank you for saving paper, ink, and the bottom line: dollars.

Afterall, you don't need to be Al Gore to save this planet :)

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