Friday, December 26, 2008

How I Celebrated Christmas

I am writing this blog with half-opened pair of eyes. The reason? Last night I decided to sleep at NTU (my ex-campus), inside its TV lounge.

Well, I never have lots of trouble sleeping, means, I can sleep anytime, anywhere (including on the sofa). At 2am, I tried to sleep, but the feeling to sleep on the sofa is just strange... so I finally could sleep only at 2.20am (WOW!! Lots of problem huh, I never need 20 minutes to try to sleep, that's simply a waste of time).

FIRST PROBLEM: Some smart scientists out there invented something very amazing. They call it "sensor" and I never think that a sensor can create a problem until last night. EVERYTIME I moved my body a little bit, the sensor would be activated, and that means: LIGHTS ON.


I can sleep with the lights on OR off, but not with the lights on AND off like every 15 minutes.

I guess at around 3.30am I woke up because a group of idiots entered the TV lounge, and they planned to watch TV. However, they took pity on this homeless guy and decided to watch TV elsewhere which is none of my business. I almost shouted when the guys come in "HEY, YOU DISTURB MY SLEEP, YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE???" until I realized that I was in a common facility. Fine!

And yes, somehow I managed to wake up at 8.45am, and took a shower. Today, two of my friends (Yulia and Inge) had a flight to Indonesia, and my friend and I sent them to the airport.

After coming back from airport, I went to attend Christmas mass, going there alone after asking my friend to come with me for 3 times. Lesson learnt: some NOs in life will forever be NOs, no matter how many times you try.

This year, I decided to attend an Indonesian mass and it turned out to be one of the best masses I have ever attended to in my life. I just felt a sense of peace there.

After the mass, we had a little Christmas party with Pak Wardhana (Indonesia's ambassador for Singapore) as our guest-of-honour.

After the party when I almost decided to go home and have a peaceful sleep, my church friend invited us to go to his house to have a bit of eat-and-chat session. I never refuse to go to someone's house especially if foods are provided... so we went there.

We chatted like crazy, took photos (this is our common hobby), ate lots and lots of food (another common hobby), and finally we watched "The Little Nyonya", a channel 8 drama which is claimed to be more popular than Beijing Olympics. I absolutely fell in love with this drama, and I made a Christmas resolution, to reach home before 9pm and to watch "The Little Nyonya" everyday. Yay...

This Christmas is one of the most enjoyable ones in my life. Although I don't spend this special day with my family, I know that here in Singapore, I have another "family", and I enjoy every single moments spent with them.

Merry Christmas everyone. May God bless you abundantly, and May His peace be with this world.


Anonymous said...

I hope it's not too late to say Merry Christmas ! lol

Ben said...

Hi Jessen,
Merry Christmas too...