Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Exam is (officially) started.

When you notice me look a bit (or very) lost, you can be sure, it's exam time.

While exam is coming in less than 96 hours from now, I feel that I've just started this semester. Some of my lecture notes were just printed freshly from the printer yesterday. Some of them will never be printed, because as a natural conserver, I want to save a bit of trees (and some coins in my wallet, which is also important)

In spite of everything, here I am. I will do my best for my exam. Everything else is secondary, included my weight. Yes, I've allocated some additional kilograms for my exam, so please don't tell me that I gain weight during exam, I know it better than you that yes, I am getting fat. But who cares. Who cares that you are 105 kgs when you can get your straight A..

Everyone, wish me luck.. I need tons of it..

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