Saturday, March 10, 2007

Heartless Creature??

Everyone dreams to be a tough and fearless person. When I was 6 year old, that’s the ideal image I would like to have. I guess I am successful to achieve that. However, that really frightens me a lot.

When my dear Grandma passed away about 4 years ago, I am the only one in my family who didn’t cry at all. I love her so much, no question about that… but I just couldn’t cry. I try my best to cry but I simply failed.

When my friends and I go to Genting and try so many games like Roller Coaster etc, Everyone in my group is screaming so loud but I didn’t even feel afraid at all.

When I watch horror movie, I don’t feel that it’s frightening (Hey Mr Director, your work sucks!)

I still remember when I was 15 and I did Biology lab and we were asked to observe intestine and whatever inside cat's, mouse's and fish’s stomach, I teared those animals’ stomach heartlessly. I didn’t feel disgusted at all.

And by the way, I have never been frightened by any ghost story for my whole life. I can pass through the haunted places with smile. Yes, with smile. Ghost-story makers out there, I appreciate your good composition skill, but you must try harder next time.

Am I a heartless creature??

Am I robot?

Am I normal?

Am I still human???

Those questions bug me like crazy until I do soul-searching.

And I realize…

My heart hurts when I heart so many people became victims of earthquake.

My heart hurts when my student at Singapore’s Boys Home can’t do their homework, and I am very proud that I can give my bit to help them.

My heart hurts when the person I love experienced a difficult time.

And most importantly, hey! I can fall in love, finally, after so long.

Falling in love is the best evidence that I am still human. Case closed.

1 comment:

Theresia said...

er, you make it sound that i am not human? lolz.