Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Wish all of you a Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year!!!

Here is a joke I got from my friend.

Some interesting theories about human and pigs (Warning! It's purely joke =P)

Human = eat + sleep + work + enjoy
Pigs = eat + sleep
Hence, Human = Pigs + work + enjoy
Human - enjoy = Pigs + work
In other words, Human that don't know how to enjoy = pigs that work

Men = eat + sleep + earn money
Pigs = eat + sleep
Hence, Men = Pigs + earn money
Men - earn money = Pigs
In other words, Men that don't earn money = Pigs

Women = eat + sleep + spend
Pigs = eat + sleep
Hence, Women = Pigs + spend
Women - spend = Pigs
In other words, Women that don't spend = Pigs


1. Men earn money not to let women become pigs! Women spend not to let men become pigs!

2. Men + Women = eat + sleep + earn money + eat + sleep +spend money
= 2 (eat + sleep)
= 2 pigs!!

Peace ^^V


ben[aga] said...

it's damn funny leh..

gong xi fa cai bro!

Theresia said...

workalcoholic = pig?

the conclusion that i got anyway :)

xin nian kuai le

all the best in ur study